Sponsorship needed

Hello. I am currently putting together a music concer to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. The event will be held at the Crown Center Arena on June 13th from 3pm until 10pm. I will 6 bands performing as well as a pre-show VIP parking lot party with live radio show broadcast. What i am needing is businesses around the area that are willing to help fund event by sponsoring it. All levels of sponsorship include name on promotional matrial advertising radio and newspaper spot t-shirts hats keychains and name on sponsorship banner. The venue food bands tickets advertising and promotional stuff all cost money and that is why i am seeking sponsors. To help cover my expenses. The money raised from ticket sales plus auction merchandise is all gonna be donated back to the Wounded Warriors. I have a GoFundme account already setup gofundme.com carolinarockfest as well as a facebook page facebook.com carolinarockfest. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and if anyone has any further questions please feel free to email me anytime at erock2130(at)gmail.com. Thank you. Eric Jackson



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