General Manager

Cayuse Technologies a technology and outsourcing company located on the Umatilla Indian Reservation in northeastern Oregon has an opening for a General Manager. This position is responsible for all aspects of running the business including system integration application outsourcing and or business process outsourcing project development client development and relations contract negotiations and compliance financial management senior management selection and development information technology oversight board and owner relationships human resources facilities and metrics and reporting. The successful candidate will have at least 15 years of progressively responsible experience in a technical and outsourcing environment with at least 7 years of executive management experience a thorough understanding of contracts the ability to drive sales and business development to establish and maintain strong relationships with Fortune 500 clients oversight of financial aspects of the business and staff development. Evidence of all standards is required. A bachelor s or master s degree in software engineering business or a related technical field is strongly preferred successful experience as described herein will trump education. Candidates must be able to pass a federal background check. An understanding of Native American tribes and tribal history and culture is important as this business is owned by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. If you meet the above qualifications please visit our website at The position will remain open until filled first screening of applications will be late-May. We are an equal opportunity employer as a tribally-owned business Cayuse Technologies does observe tribal preference as allowed by federal law.



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