event specialist

Are you looking for a sales job providing food samples in retail stores that would allow you to meet new people Our product demonstration positions may be a great fit for your sparkling personality. CROSSMARK s Events Team is looking for associates to complete food demonstrations working in a flexible part-time environment. If you are outgoing enjoy meeting new people and are looking for job where you can use your sparkling personality then CROSSMARK s Events Team is the place for you Enjoy flexibility that enables you to have a work-life balance while you promote various products during onsite events in retail environments. As a member of the CROSSMARK Events Team it is your job to be enthusiastic about the product you are showing. You will provide outstanding customer service to all customers by facilitating in-store food product demonstrations & events. You will demonstrate knowledge of products accessories and services and use this knowledge to build sales practice suggestive selling & driving sales. Your primary role is to share your passion about the product you are representing and interest the customer in purchasing the product and most of all...have fun while doing it



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