Situated in Non HOA community New roof AC flooring painting cabi

Renovated 2 bed 2 bath house located in a quaint cul de sac. Non HOA community. New roof A C flooring painting cabinets granite countertops updated bathrooms & kitchen. Large Fenced yard with mature trees. Spacious screened in lanai great for entertaining. Plenty of space in the garage and oversized driveway space. Close to schools major highways and shopping. Please Call or Text (941) 3.6.3- for more info. Property Reference Number REF A4413517 PROPERTY DETAILS Residential Single Family ResidenceBed 2 Bath 2 Sq. Ft 928 Yr. Built 1987 WHEN CALLING ABOUT THIS PROPERTY PLEASE PROVIDE Property Reference Number REF A4413517 Your Name Contact Number This PROPERTY is FOR SALE ONLY not for rent. FIRST TIME HOME BUYER PLEASE CALL TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR THE FIRST TIME HOME BUYER DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Contact Information Jason J Ralston Trend Realty - Realtor Sarasota FL 34236 Phone (941) 3.6.3- Listing Provided By Brandy Coffey with KELLER WILLIAMS ISLAND LIFE REAL ESTATE



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