3bedroom 2bathroom mobile home WANTED

Hello My name is Jamie Elliott and I am currently looking for a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom mobile home. I am currently living in Parksville NY. It is myself my husband My son and nephew. I am currently unemployed and recieve SSI. I get 744 a month. My husband works for BK Logging and gets 301.00 a week (not including over time and weekends). We can very much afford a place. We have no animals and I smoke but only outside. We are a very clean family so no bug. We do not drink do drugs etc. Therefore no partying or loud music. We are in desperate need by or before may 1 2015. We would have money upfront for two months rent and security. We are looking to stay around parksville area (because my husband works here) but will consider other areas. Please contact me either via email jwilson3911(at)gmail.com or jayjay3911(at)gmail.com or house phone 845-747-9162 Thank you in advance.



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