NEW Moving Trailer - 6x10 ft. with EXTRA HEIGHT

CALL 910-705-8330 TODAY This trailer will sell FAST READY IN Fayetteville (NC) NOW Stop by our lot today and see all our trailers at our LOW LOT PRICES Our LOW PRICE for this trailer in Fayetteville lot for ONLY 2364 Retail FACTORY price of this trailer is 2199 (Factory in GA) Contact us for pricing information as additional fees or taxes may apply to the above trailer prices depending on where you pick up trailer Financing is available for qualified buyers. Call 910-705-8330 today for details Rear Ramp door .024 aluminum exterior w matching screws (White) 3 8 plywood side walls single 2990 lbs leaf spring axle with 4 drop for easier loading RV style roof vent 2 ft. ATP trim on front (stoneguard) around 6ft. 3 of interior height V-nose front Offers more space and reduces wind drag when driving Has 32 in. side door for easy access to contents Perfect sized trailer for ATV hauler equipment trailer side by side hauler golf cart hauler lawn services trailer motorcycle trailer storage trailer 4 wheeler hauler BMX trailer lawn care trailer maintenance trailer delivery trailer detailing trailer moving trailer landscaping trailer bike trailer bicycle trailer Financing may be Available for you Call 910-705-8330 for details



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