Accounting Taxes - within an hour of 65 Ave. and King George B

For your monthly or yearly work. Looking for part-time temp full-time job s or full-time long-term - for daily or weekly pay in cash to start SERVICES AVAILABLE . A P A R G L Trial Balance Financial Statements . Payroll recording reporting remitting T4s and ROEs . TAX PREPARATION Honors BAS degree (Accounting) grad CPA Payroll Compliance Practitioner courses completed VCC Bookkeeper Diploma . BCIT Microsoft Office programs training Computer experience including with Quick Books Simply spreadsheets Accpac Plus Tax programs. Accounting and related job experience (part-time full-time temp volunteer positions. English-speaking. Basic Caseware training. At your location - or will work at home. Asking 20 an hour or fee for the job. Email anytime to mmcgoing(at)yahoo.comno



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