Pre Sale House CLEANING Dear Realtors At Hard Water Masters we take great pride and care in providing quality home pre-sale market ready detailing services. Whether you are a realtor broker REO or foreclosure specialist securing reliable turnkey resources is essential to real estate professionals. Our goal and ambition is to benefit our local real estate community. Our quality services promote competitive edge and aide in further improving overall customer satisfaction. We appreciate the absolute importance of how appearance weighs heavily on being able to quickly and successfully sell a home at the highest resale value possible. A new home is a very big investment for buyers and naturally they want their new home to look like just Video link Our Services That a new home . So of course buyers are much less likely to commit to purchasing a second-hand fixer upper. That s where we come in. Getting the property in pristine condition to appeal to potential buyers can often be quite costly especially with Sacramento s notorious hard water reeking havoc over time on bathroom and kitchen surfaces. Unfortunately the damage and mineral buildup and scaling is impossible to be cleaned off no matter how hard you scrub typically leading homeowners to replace sinks showers countertops and fixtures to improve the properties main focal points in order to sell. However we specialize in Hard Water Stain removal restoring these surfaces to beautiful shiny like new condition at a fraction of what it would be to remodel and replace. From top to bottom inside and out we make sure every inch is picture perfect. Check out all our services and see how we can help you 9162287620



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