Oceanfront Furnished 22 Annual Only Hollywood FL

The Best views on the beach. Ocean intercoastal & city views from most windows. Sit and watch the cruise ships go by. Fully Furnished. Full 2 2 Utility room with W D Lg Master suite with walk in closet 32 inch television and comfortable furnishings. Guest room has a murphy bed and office furniture.and a large closet. Wrap around Balcony Ocean & City Views. The Water Heater is on demand. Walking distance to the Hollywood Broadwalk for music and food and or wald to the famous Diplomat Hotel. Unit is Steps to the beach. Tiled throughout Just bring your clothes. . Condo Approval Owner wants 700 FICA scores. Condo requires a 350 move in fee refundable after move in. No Pets or Smokers.Bldg has Bike Room And no we cannot remove the furniture. Make an appointment today Sara Sandra Jones GLS Real Estate Company 227 N 28th Avenue Hollywood FL 33020 786 247 7761 direct or 954-922-7408 office.



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