Motorcycle Hauler with RV Side Door and Ramp Door - 6 x 10 Wht

NEW This enclosed trailer is from our Fayetteville North Carolina Lot CALL (910) 7058330 TODAY Stop by our Lot and see ALL of our trailers in stock at our LOW PRICES Available in Fayetteville North Carolina at our LOW LOT PRICE for ONLY 2109 Factory Retail Price on this trailer is 1869 Factory located in Georgia for factory pick ups Call for more info Contact us for pricing information as additional fees or taxes may apply to the trailer prices depending on where you pick up trailer Ask about Financing Option Financing may be available to you WHITE .024 metal exterior with matching screws about 72 in (6 feet) of vertical clearance inside pop up roof vent trailer weight is about 1 100 pound grade A undercoated plywood floor - 3 4in. Lots of enclosed trailers at our Lot for many uses landscaping trailer side by side hauler maintenance trailer motorcycle trailer BMX trailer 4 wheeler hauler mobile workshop lawn care trailer equipment trailer bicycle trailer golf cart hauler lawn services trailer delivery trailer Call (910) 7058330 today for more information on available trailers Lot location and pricing



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