1998 Allegro Allegro Bus

Length 40 feet Year 1998 Make Allegro Model Allegro Bus Miles 82 000 Interior Color Nat Oak Exterior Color White Graphics Slides 1 One large slide automatic leveling jacks 6500 Onan generator new TV washer dryer combo 6 gal. water heater solid surface countertops Michelin tires all around Alcoa aluminum wheels Natural Oak Woodwork Corian Top To Bottom Fridge Convection Microwave Range Top Dinette with Chairs Queen Island Bed Mirrored Wardrobe Glass Enclosed Shower with Split Bath Tiles Back Up Camera Newer Batteries All Swervice is up to date. items too numerous to list. Has 82K miles all trouble-free. Call or text for more information. Negotiable - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1007396.htm sthash.CtHS9mvH.dpuf



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