Front DeskNight Audit

Join our Team Front Desk Sales and Service Representative (FDSR) Job Summary Here s your opportunity to Work on the bright side La Quinta Inns & Suites a leader in the hospitality industry is seeking a Front Desk Sales Representative who is outgoing professional and energetic to be the first person who greets our guests when they arrive at our hotel. This position is responsible for providing superior guest satisfaction while attending to guest needs such as check-in check-outs reservations PBX and answering guest questions and needs. The ideal candidate will work easily in a fast-paced environment while maintaining an optimistic energy-giving attitude to be the bright spot in our guest s day. Other Key duties include Process guest registrations including collecting payment Complete shift reports Respond to guest needs special requests and complaints and alert the appropriate manager as needed Promote answer questions about and enroll guests in La Quinta s frequent guest program Assist other team members in various assignments including operating the courtesy van assist with breakfast laundry or housekeeping duties. Maintain and clean the lobby and bathroom as needed Previous Hotel Eexperience is Preffered Portuguese speaking a PLUS Minimum Experience Education Skill & Physical Requirements Must have a high school diploma or equivalent Must be flexible in hours and days worked. Must be able to stand for long periods of time Must be able to lift 25 50 lbs and carry up to 10 lbs Must have sound judgment and discretional skills and be able to work with little or no supervision. Must be proficient in the use of common Windows-based computer programs including Microsoft Word and Excel. Must be able to operate basic office machines i.e. copier fax printer etc. Must display very good organization and time management skills. Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to interact with many types of personalities.



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