Residential HVAC Service Tech (Oklahoma City Oklahoma)

Join the Sears Home Services team as an HVAC Service Technician No on Call Work No Sundays Join Us Today Are you looking for a role that offers you an opportunity to be a part of a dynamic innovative organization Then we have the opportunity for you at Sears. The brand your family has trusted for over 150 years New culture New branding New YOU We are seeking an experienced HVAC Service Technician with a great attitude and the ability to help customers with their in-home repairs. This is an exciting opportunity to join the Sears family Apply today HVAC Service Technician Repair Technician Appliance Maintenance Benefits At Sears we provide competitive pay and ongoing training in a collaborative supportive and team-oriented setting. In the repair technician role you will enjoy working independently as a representative of a leading retailer and in-home service provider. For the In-Home Service Technician we provide the following Service van Specialized tools Uniforms Laptop computer Smartphone Home dispatched (most locations) Industry training Various incentive plans Career opportunities Ideal candidates will have 2 years experience in HVAC service and repair. Strong troubleshooting and problem solving skills required. Excellent customer service strong work ethic and attention to detail are a must. Clean driving record basic computer skills a positive attitude and professional demeanor also required. Requirements EPA Certification Required 2-5 years experience in HVAC service in commercial or residential settings. If you are interested please click the link below and apply today s TGWEbHost jobdetails.aspx partnerid 455& siteid 185& areq 437560BR& codes JH



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