Residential Electrical Journeyman

Messer Electric is now taking applications hiring for Electrical Residential Journeyman. We are a family owned and operated business. Qualified candidate must have valid OK Electrical Journeyman License. Must have clean driving record and reliable transportation.Hand tools of the trade are required. Journeyman experience preferred. Qualified candidate has strong leadership qualities must be flexible and have a desire to learn and grow. Honesty Quality and Integrity are the 3 most important characteristics of the right candidate. Candidate must be organized with attention to detail as we wire many custom homes and remodels. Our schedule is M-F 0730-1600 depending on work load most days with overtime pay after any hours over 40 00. Our crews meet every morning at our shop located in Oklahoma City. We are looking for a long term employee. Benefits include - Weekly pay - Direct Deposit- Employer Contributed Health Insurance- Life Insurance- Accident Insurance- Dental Insurance- Disability Insurance- Weekly Accrued Paid Time Off- Company Shirts Provided- Positive Work EnvironmentWe are located at 3605 E. I-240 Service Road Oklahoma City OK. 73135 Call today to set up an appointment 405-677-3402 Office



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