Aldi Warehouse Order Selectors Needed in Olathe KS

Looking for a job that meets your family lifetyle We are looking for women and men. No experience needed. We ll train you Aldi is hiring permanent Warehouse Selectors. Email your resume to aldiwhseclassad(at) Part-time hours great pay full benefits Day time hours 7 day operations 5 day work week Must be able to work Saturdays and Sundays. Averaging 25-35 hrs week 12.50 to start through staffing service Advancing to 16 hr at approximately 90 days then to 18.50 hr after 24 months Full benefits including Medical Dental Vision Life and company sponsored retirement plan. High School Diploma or GED required. Involves frequent lifting up to 20 lbs. and moderate lifting up to 45 lbs. We require pre-employment drug screening and background checks. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.



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