LINKtekc Technology Services and Smart Homes (Central Coast)

LINKtekc Your local IT Company serving Computers and Technology Solutions LINKtekc your local company that it will help you with all Computer problems Networking CCTV cameras Smart Homes IT Systems etc. LINKtekc does professional work and service directly at your residential address and or commercial business. Not ever get stress any more with computers or technology LINKtekc will solve it. Stay home we will pick your computer to fix it and bring it back to your address Call today and make the appointment (805)-354-8088 We Install Antennas to get Wifi We install fix and repair all computers and printers models and home delivery. Telecommunications and Communications. Access Control Security and IT systems. CCTV Surveillance Systems. Smart Homes Designs and Home Teathers. TV Installs Visual Video Systems. Telephone Troubleshooting and Intercom Systems. Home deliveryAlso LINKtekc will do custom designs according to you necessities using the best technology and prices. Do not wait any more and get prepare to do less work controlling your home remotely take advantage from this present and make it real. LINKteck will make it happen Be smart Get LINK Be LINKtekc. LINKtekc Systems IncCall (805)-354-8088 Santa Maria CA 93458 VIRUS REMOVAL PROCEDURE FREE Install remote control software free to non-commercial users to control their PCs from their phones or another computerFREE Install antivirus antimalware softwareUninstall adware and garbage software that has an uninstallerRestore Internet security options and firewall settingsRemove spyware and virusesUpdate WindowsSet up printers (wireless or wired)Set up DVR Camera systems for remote viewingSet up Network Attached Storage Device and set up automated backups for all users on your networkSet up Skype video conferencing



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