Field Agents Needed -- Free Government Cell Phones (AKRONCLEVELA

We are proud to market the Lifeline program which gives free phones to qualified consumers to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that phone service brings including being able to connect to jobs family and emergency services. Lifeline is part of the Universal Service Fund. We set up events in your community to give away free cell phones to qualified individuals through the Lifeline Program. A person qualifies if they receive certain types of government assistance such as food stamps or have low income. Our teams qualify customers on the spot and hand qualified individuals a live phone ready to use with a free service plan. Some benefits are 4 dollars for every phone given away 16 - 32 per hour on average by giving away 4 -- 8 phones per hour Paid weekly -- Start tomorrow get paid the following week No experience necessary -- We will train you Absolutely no selling -- This product is FREE Customers either qualify or they don t. Team Leader growth opportunities We are one of America s largest and fastest growing outsourced direct sales and management companies. We take pride in providing premier jobs to premier candidates. Our marketing system is simple -- Provide products and services that most customers already have and need for better prices or values. This is NOT Door to door Multi-level Marketing Telemarketing A Call Center



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