231907 - Winmar Cabins Twin Lakes CO

MLS 231907 Twin Lakes Colorado Situated near the base of Mt. Elbert Twin Lakes is the largest glacial lake in Colorado and it has been said to be one of the world s most scenic places. The pristine waters reflect its backdrop of snowcapped 14 000 foot mountain peaks. One of those peaks is 14 439 ft. Mount Elbert the highest summit of the Rocky Mountains of North America and the highest point in the State of Colorado. Enjoy recreational activities year round. From summer fun of hiking camping fishing canoeing kayaking windsurfing and mountain biking to the winter activities of cross-country skiing snowshoeing and ice fishing. Wonderful wildlife viewing year round. WINMAR CABINS is strategically located at the crossroads of U.S. Highway 24 and 82 between Buena Vista and Leadville at the turnoff to Aspen and at an elevation of 9100 feet. The 10 cabins are furnished and come with fully equipped kitchens. The majority of the cabins are 252 SF and have hot water heating. There is a manufactured home which has been used as a rental or could be owner manager housing.



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