NC Concealed Carry training 25-40% less than most competitors

PROFESSIONAL COMPANY OF INSTRUCTORS OFFERING TOP QUALITY TRAINING FOR NORTH CAROLINA RESIDENCE. NRA Certified Pistol Instructors Certified NC Certified Concealed Carry Instructors. Evening classes 8 hours classroom (split over two days) and shooting qualifications. You can choose either Mon Tues- 6pm-10pm w shooting qualifications Tuesday before class. Mon Sat- Mon 6pm-10pm and Sat 12 00-4pm w shooting qualification afterwards. Weekend classes One-day 8 hours classroom and shooting qualifications. Saturday 8 00am-5 30pm Lunch snacks provided Private Group classes (you host it we come to you) 8-hour classroom spread out over several days OR one day plus shooting qualifications. You choose One-day class Two-day class Three-day class We meet your schedule. Day evening or weekends can be YOURS



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