2013 Malibu Wakesetter VTX

2013 Malibu Wakesetter VTX Ski ride surf foot cruise. 1550 lbs ballast 11 people. Excellent condition 20 ft WakeSetter with diamond cut hull power wedge and upgraded 2014 surfgate. Front center and 2 rear ballast tanks holding up to 1550 . 11 person capacity. Blue Black matching bimini available. 150 hours. Stored in indoor heated garage. The VTX has a nimble size that creates a great ski wakeboard or surf wake. Quickly add 1500 pounds of hard tank ballast and deploy the Power Wedge and discover perfect transitions for wakeboarding. Slow down and flip the Suft switch to engage SURF GATE to build a long glassy surf wave on either side. Switch from right to left surf safely without filling or emptying ballast. This boat has the best wake and safe stable driving for surfing of any 20ft boat on the market. Very well equipped with everything Ask for spec sheet if you are truly interested in this boat. TandemAxle Boatmate w Brakes. Great Sound System Includes with iPod phone bluetooth etc. It has Indmar 350SS Monsoon with 150 hours. A great surf wakeboard waterski barefoot and cruising boat with the Malibu reputation for just 69500 This same boat and tandemaxes trailer as a 2015 will be about 108 000. Buy ours today - See more at www.caboats.com used-boats 9231.htm sthash.NCO0aXrb.dpuf



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