Local CDL flatbed drivers

We are immediately hiring for experienced FLATBED drivers to make deliveries in and around the Lubbock Tx area. If you meet the below qualifications please call show contact info to secure your spot TODAY Schedule Monday thru Friday DAYTIME HOURS OFF WEEKENDS Pay Range Start (at) 17 per hr 30 days - 17.25 90 days - 17.75 180 days - 18.50( Raises based on performance )All hours worked over 40 hrs are Paid Overtime Verifiable Flatbed experience w 2 year minimum RECENT verifiable driving experience Physically able to climb strap and tarp when needed Safe and Clean driving history No Major accidents or moving violations Clean Criminal HistoryPlease call show contact info and ask for Missy or go online at www.transforce.com and apply to the OKC branch Spots are limited We welcome you to experience the TransForce difference Respect Flexibility Benefits Retirement Vacation Bonuses Paid Time Off Career Advancement Opportunity Please call 405-787-8939 or go to www.transforce.com to fill out the application.



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