Under Armour Sales Associate

The sales associate is responsible for individual sales performance. By maintaining a working knowledge of Under Armour product the sales associate will provide the Brand experience to our customers. Specific Areas of Focus -Be a Team Player -Meet individual Sales Performance Goals -Meet outlined Customer Service Expectations -Maintain a working knowledge of the Fit Fabric and Function details of Under Armour products -Execute assigned daily tasks -including replenishment markdowns housekeeping etc -Maintain effective communication with customers teammates & management Job Requirements -Passion for the Brand -Must embody the UA culture and believe in the company spirit -Strong communication and interpersonal skills Qualifications Requirements To perform this job successfully an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge skill and or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. -Ability to work varied hours days schedule matches needs of the business -Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously -Ability to read count and write to accurately complete all documentation -Ability to effectively communicate with customers & teammates -Ability to move or handle merchandise up to 50 lbs. -Ability to process information merchandise through computer and or point of sale register system -Ability to freely access all areas of the store including the selling floor stock area and register area -Ability to operate all equipment necessary to run the store -Ability to climb ladders Please apply on www.underarmour.jobs for consideration Job Fair (please make sure you apply before coming to Job Fair) March 10th at Hampton Inn from 10-5 18 Rockwood Road Fletcher NC 28732



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