Looking for Materials Coordinator

Bronco Industries Inc. is Looking for Materials Coordinator 7988 82nd Street Delta BC V4G 1L8 Canada JOB SUMMARY Coordinates material requisitions and maintains warehouse organization and inventory levels. Safely and effectively manages thewarehouse materials supplies and finished products. PREREQUISITES QUALIFICATIONS Completion of post-secondary education in Supply Chain Business or related field strongly preferred Proficient in the Microsoft Suite (Power Point Word Excel) Strong interpersonal and communication skills both verbal and written Detail oriented and highly organized Proven experience in prioritizing and multi-tasking in a fast paced environment RESPONSIBILITIES Prepare requisitions for materials and services in accordance with company procedures Optimize stock levels by regularly reviewing the minimum maximum quantities on the suggested reorder lists Prepare tenders document communicate with suppliers review materials requisitions quotations and recommend contract awards Ensure that all shipments to and from the factory are properly logged and documented in accordance with company procedures Prepare shipping lists conduct receipt of goods check Maintain accurate records of received and outstanding requisitions and cargo manifests Prepare and issue required warehouse inventory reports as required Maintain current accurate inventory of raw materials stored Regularly review obsolete and surplus raw materials in the warehouse and bring to the attention of Management Update Management on the expediting of purchase orders materials and shipments route etc. and prepare reports as required Enters data in an accurate and timely manner. This includes Bills of Material (BOMs) Purchase Orders (POs) receiving and materials requests Maintains lines of communication with the fabrication facility assembly team and project sites Develops and maintains effective working relationships with internal and external project personnel Communicates project issues to Management Performs other related duties as assigned SALARY 14 hour 40 hours week Contact Bronson Lam Phone 6049408821 Fax 6049408849 Email bronson(at)broncoglass.com Website www.broncoglass.com We want to thank all candidates for their interest but wish to advise that only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



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