53 Lac CHD Y Suites 1BHK 709 Sq Ft In Gurgaon Sohna Road

Welcome to CHD Y SuitesAt CHD Resortico tall towers stand overlooking winding pathways undulating lawns colorful flowering shrubs and an exquisite beach like pool. Where you lounge under a shack get glorious tan on the sun-loungers wade in the azure blue waters or work with your feet in the sand. Experience an unmatched Mediterranean resort life created around 1 BHK smart serviced apartment.Your 24X365. Resort LifeImagine a blissful life where you come home to sandy beaches warm blue skies and all the luxuries of a resort one could wish for that too 24 365. Imagine a life where you do not go out to unwind but all those luxuries come to you to soothe you with peace and tranquility you always desired.24X 365 Smart LifeSmart and contemporary Serviced Apartments Smart Serviced Apartments for the young and agile. Designed to become for table and convenient these apartments are well ventilated with ample sunlight. The apartment will be a perfect setting for those who like to live a fast paced life surrounded by all the modern amenities.Name Gunjan Pandey Contact No 7835860926 Email ID gunjanaabrealtyseo(at)gmail.com Website www.aabrealty.in property chd-resortico-commercial-project-sector-34-so hnassouth-of-gurgaon-gurugram



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