Spiritual Coaching

Aloha My name is Candace and I specialize in reminding my clients of their divine nature. My coaching programs center around two main ideas 1) You are the embodiment of God and 2) Your concept of self (through the use of your imagination) shapes what manifests in your physical world. I understand that these ideas may not resonate with everyone and that is okay but I am placing this ad for individuals who Know that there is much more to life than what s on the surface Have already become familiar with manifesting or the Law of Attraction but feel like there s more to these ideas Are open to shifting what they know about who they are and the world itself Are disciplined and willing to follow through on suggestions and their inner guidance Are committed to investing in themselves (financially and energetically) Are not seeking counseling or mental health services ( note I do not provide these services) While I am locally based on Oahu my sessions are provided via Zoom so that they can be recorded for you to revisit time and time again. Some of my successes can be viewed on yelp at s www.yelp.com biz return-to-aloha-honolulu If you are interested in working together please reply to this ad or send a message via the Yelp page. Thank you for your time I look forward to working with you



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