Home care nurses in Rajarajeshwari Nagar

Benefits of Sumukha Home-Based Dementia CareDementia is caused when diseases such as Alzheimer s or a series of strokes damage the brain. Dementia is progressive which means the symptoms tend to gradually get worse. Symptoms to watch out for Memory Loss Difficulty with thinking Distorted speech Impaired problem-solving abilities. What can Sumukha home-based care do Provide assistance in performing daily activities Preserve physical social and psychological functioning Monitor the patient s health and help maintain quality of life Provide practical and psychological support to the family Reduce stress for the patient s family Enhance the patient s quality of life Thanks & Regards VIJITHAADMIN EXECUTIVESumukha Facilitators Pvt LtdHead Office 477 1st Floor 45th Cross Jayanagar 8th Block Bangalore-560082Land Mark Near Sangam Circle Help Line 91 9880024265 9900498222Email sumukha(at)homenursingservices.inwebsite www.homenursingservices.in Branches Sarjapura Road-080-25747437 Marathahalli-080-28475032 sanjaynagar- 080-22441963



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