Cost Estimator Wanted

WINSPIA a professional and leading window construction company is looking for a talented full-time cost Estimator in Canada Requirements Over 3 years of experience in civil or construction engineering is required At least 3 year completion in civil or construction engineering is required Basic English speaking is required and Korean will be an asset Wage C 26.10 hour Working hours 35 hours working week (full-time permanent) Benefit 10 paid holidays per year Job duties - Prepare estimates of probable costs of materials labour and equipment for construction projects based on contract bids quotations schematic drawings and specifications with headquarter office in Korea - Set up cost monitoring and reporting systems and procedures and discuss with headquarter office in Korea - Prepare cost and expenditure statements and forecasts at regular intervals for the duration of a project - Prepare and maintain a directory of suppliers contractors and subcontractors - Liaise consult and communicate with engineers architects owners contractors and subcontractors and prepare economic feasibility studies on changes and adjustments to cost estimates - Manage and co-ordinate construction projects and prepare construction progress schedules. Work location Delta BC Canada Please send your resume to winspiawindows(at) Only Selected candidate will be contacted for the interview WINSPIA Windows (Canada) Inc. 130-880 Belgrave Way Delta BC V3M 5R8



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