Maintenance Assistant

Join our Team Maintenance Staff Job Summary Here s your opportunity to Work on the bright side La Quinta Inns & Suites a leader in the hospitality industry is currently searching for a maintenance worker. This position offers growth and career advancement. Job responsibilities include repairing and maintaining the interior and exterior of the hotel while following Company standards for quality cleanliness guest satisfaction and safety and security. Other key duties include Ensure the interior and exterior of the hotel is well maintained. Perform routine maintenance such as painting carpet floor cleaning caulking etc. Perform minor adjustments on HVAC systems room furniture fixtures and other items in the hotel. Perform duties of the company s preventative maintenance program. Report major repair needs to the General Manager. Assist in setup cleanup of meeting rooms. Assist in other areas of the hotel as needed such as collecting delivering dirty linen to laundry assisting with laundry or housekeeping as needed. Minimum Experience Education Skill & Physical Requirements Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. At least 1 year of related general repair experience preferred. Must be flexible in hours and days worked. Must have basic working knowledge of plumbing painting HVAC electrical and or other general repair skills. Must be able to lift and carry up to 50 pounds without assistance and up to 140 pounds with assistance. Must be able to walk stand climb kneel reach crawl push pull and twist the majority of the day. Must display very good organization and time management skills.



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