Physical Therapist NC

We are potentially hiring for a qualified civilian Physical Therapist to join our team of talented professionals who provide health care services to our veterans and their families at Fort Bragg Army Base in North Carolina. Status Full-Time Schedule Monday Sunday 7 00am 6 00pm various shifts available Excellent financial package designed to attract compassionate top performers Comprehensive benefits package to include major medical dental vision and 401k Malpractice provided with tail coverage The Physical Therapist must have the following qualifications Degree Education Doctor of Physical Therapy and a graduate of an accredited College Certification Basic Life Support shall have and maintain current certification in Basic Life Support (BLS) as certified by the American Heart Association and be responsible for obtaining and maintaining re-certification Licensure Registration Current full active and unrestricted license to practice as a physical therapist Experience Has been employed as a Licensed Physical Therapist prior to the start date of the contract or if recently graduated from an accredited Physical Therapy program and has passed licensure board At Matrix Providers - You come first. Always. Your success is the focus of our entire business.You will love being part of the Matrix family of Providers whose focus since day one has been selflessly giving back to our hard-working and devoted military servicemen and women. Matrix Providers is a proud veteran-owned company and military family supporter who has been a staunch ally of our active-duty and veteran service providers for the past 8 years.



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