Real Estate Mentor Seeks Apprentice-10KMonth (NO LICENSE NEEDED)

Real Estate Investment Company based out of NYC NJ with 23 offices nationwide looking to expand their operations. Successful candidates will come on board and market our business to the masses.We need marketers to help us organize events by advertising contacting & inviting people to attend these workshops.Commissions range from 1000- 6850 (Starting January 1st 2015 Commissions will range from 1 000 - 10 000) on direct sales with 5% overrides for team management. Six figures is the norm for those who dedicate 20-40 hrs a week working the business. We teach people how to retire a millionaire and fire their boss Do you want in Opportunity to make money today and learn how to invest that income in Real Estate for Future Long Term Wealth Important Points to Consider 1099 (not W2) commission based position No real estate license needed You MUST be willing to work at least 2-4 hours per day 3-4 days a week.Team environment best training automated system and unlimited support This job is available to those people who are self-motivated coachable reliable and outgoing. No experience necessary. MUST include a resume when responding.MUST BE 18yrs or older.If you think this is something for you please reply with the followingFirst NameLast NameEmailNumber



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