Lot of 200 Dell Computers

Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 1.18.19 - To view auction details go to www.govdeals.com and Search For 2183-1207. Click the QAL box and then hit search. GovDeals.com is the online platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus. Price is subject to change at any time during ongoing auction. Lot of 200 Dell Computers - govdeals.comPLEASE READ the attached City of Indpls-Surplus Electronic Equip.pdf . Buyer must comply with 13. Bidder Qualifications 14. Scope of SaleLot of (200) Two Hundred Dell 7010s WITH MEMORY Computers with no peripherals.All are thought to be in working condition but that cannot be guaranteed. All are sold as is. All are without power cords. As best we can tell the following is the configuration of each desktop PC Qty Description200 Dell OptiPlex 7010 Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU (at) 3.40GHz RAM 8GB Power Supply YES Operating System none Hard Drive 500GB Description of items included in Additional Info below. 200 Desktops All are without power cords. Processor speed and memory sizes are unknown. Some may be missing parts. Working condition is unknown. All items are used and are being sold AS IS-WHERE IS . Only item(s) described herein is included in sale regardless of what else is pictured. We DO NOT box bag or palletize. There is a dock but NO forklift at the warehouse. Loading labor is the winning bidders responsibility. Note Inspections are by appointment only.



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