NEW 6x 12ft. Cargo Trailer - 3.5K Axles 32 " Side Door

CALL our Lot in Fayetteville (910)705-8330 and see all of our new trailers in stock Call us TODAY NEW 6ft. x 12ft. enclosed trailer available in Fayetteville (North Carolina) Fayetteville location PRICE - Price for trailer in Fayetteville (North Carolina) 2747 CALL (910)705-8330 TODAY for info on trailer AND financing may be available for you Call for details. rear double barn doors manual crank roof vent plywood walls - .375 inch grade A 3500 lbs tandem leaf spring axle with 4in drop for a lower trailer plywood floor - grade A .75 in. premanufactured RV style side door with flush lock - 32 .024 WHITE metal exterior with matching screws about 72in. (6 ) of interior vertical clearance ST205 75 D15 15 inch bias tires V-nose front (Offers more space and reduces wind drag when driving) weight is around 1500lbs Lots of enclosed trailers at our Lot for many uses maintenance trailer moving trailer Call (910)705-8330 TODAY for more information on trailer pricing details and lot locations. This trailer will sell FAST



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