2008 Victory Vision Premium Touring with Lots of UpgradesPristin

Pristine Victory Vision 2008 Black Premium Touring Motorcycle with 50 Upgrades Custom Accessories Options & Lighting Has it All- Ready to Go- New Metzler Premium Tires (less than 600 road miles) Custom Leather Hand Crafted One of a Kind Seat (heated) Garage Kept- No Accidents- Clear Title- Original Owner- Regularly Maintained Chrome upgrades accessories Upper Windshield Deflector switches trunk rack switch cubes L& R handlebars tip over protection foot boards brake lever shift lever dip stick thermometer side kickstand rear valance side covers accessory panels grill set inner framing kit license plate cover accent rings around gauges front fender ornament cover for master cylinder brake reservoir Ness finned engine over clutch arm over tail gunner exhaust Other Accessory Power Outlet 12V Vision Short Windshield w electronic windshield kit heated seats front & back w custom switches heated grips highway pegs cup holder rear trunk w mirror & locking security compartment trunk organizer Stage 1 exhaust sustem level 2 HID driving lights 65 Amp charging system auxiliary fog light kit Infinity speakers front & back custom blacked out gauges custom dash panel- gloss black (Victory) LED Custom Lighting System Front head light turn signals front windshield lit from underneath to cast light thru windshield dash switches shadow lit in blue for night driving speakers in front faring back lit in blue & red speakers in rear trunk back lit in blue & red to match front L& R running lights modified on trunk for safety rear lower finance & side exhaust lit to cast blue shadow engine components lit blue in front w back in red engine wedges w106 logo custom fitted w blue LEDS L& R lighted Victory badges L& R backlit Custom Leather Seat Custom designed and installed using printed ostrich leather and 2 tone maroon cowhide leather plus genuine Caiman. Treated to resist moisture. Will last indefiniatley with proper care.



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