2008 Honda Ridgeline RTX

Carfax Clean History Report. Ridgeline RTX 4D Crew Cab 5-Speed Automatic and 4WD. Crew Cab Don t let the miles fool you Are you looking for an used vehicle that is in incredible condition Well with this rugged 2008 Honda Ridgeline you are going to get it.. Enjoy the safety and great visibility when you sit up high in this fantastic truck. Awarded Consumer Guide s rating of a Recommended Compact Pickup in 2008. Edmunds.com said ...In addition to its relatively carlike handling and ride the Ridgeline offers a comfortable five-passenger cabin. It also boasts an innovative steel-reinforced fiberglass-composite bed that s immune to rust and dents... Our sales representatives at Tom Wood Toyota Scion are dedicated to serving all customers. They ll work with you to find the right vehicle at the right price. Call now to schedule a test drive and find your next vehicle here at Tom Wood Toyota Scion.



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