7x16 White Enclosed Trailer TA WBrakes - Cargo Trailer FINANCE

CALL JOSH or STEVE NOW in Fayetteville - (at) (click on contact link at top of page) FINANCING SOURCE AVAILABLE (On some purchases & with approved credit) www.Sheffield.com www.financemytrailer.comFactory Price - 3 629.00 > > > (This is the price for this trailer if you go to the factory in South Georgia to pick it up yourself. A 50.00 factory processing fee will also be charged at the time of pick up.)READY NOW... 0N SITE in FAYETTEVILLE - NO ORDERING NO WAITING BRAND NEW - 2015 7x16 - White enclosed tandem axle trailer with brakes. AVAILABLE NOW for 4 013.00 (Our shipping costs included) White powder-coated exterior V-shaped front w rear ramp door & extension flap Tandem 35OO Dexter Electric Brake Axles with 4 Drop Rear Ramp Door with extension flap 32 Side RV style door with keyed lock and additional lockable bar latch Aerodynamic V front for reduced wind drag when towing trailer and additional cargo space Diamond plate stone guard around V front Aluminum Teardrop Fenders 16 on center floor & walls 3 4 Grade A Plywood flooring 3 8 Plywood walls 205 75 D15 6ply bias ply tires 12v interior light with switch Ball hook with safety chains Great NEW enclosed trailer for landscaping trailer motorcycle hauler equipment trailer ATV trailer landscape trailer lawn equipment trailer lawn care service trailer utility trailer BMX bike trailer four wheeler trailer bread trailer cargo trailer toy hauler or moving trailer.Many other sizes and colors available WE ALSO DO CUSTOM 0RDERS CALL JOSH or STEVE NOW - (at) (click on contact link at top of page) FINANCING SOURCE AVAILABLE www.Sheffield.com www.financemytrailer.com(On some purchases & with approved credit)



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