2012 Nissan Frontier S

Nissan Certified. SV trim. CD Player Fourth Passenger Door 4x4 Alloy Wheels Overhead Airbag. SEE MORE KEY FEATURES INCLUDE CD Player Fourth Passenger Door 4x4 Aluminum Wheels Keyless Entry Privacy Glass. EXPERTS ARE SAYING CarAndDriver.com s review says A favorite in the mid-size-pickup market the Frontier blends truck usefulness with sportiness.. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE 7-year 100 000-Mile Limited Warranty 156-Point Inspection and Reconditioning 24-Hour Roadside Assistance and Towing Assistance Rental Car CARFAX Vehicle History Report BUY FROM AN AWARD WINNING DEALER Our team at Mathews Nissan formerly Harold Mathews Nissan would like to thank you for visiting our website We are proud to be a part of the Clarksville Tennessee and Fort Campbell Kentucky areas. Our dealership considers customer satisfaction our first priority. We are one of just



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