100 sq. yrd. Govt. approved Plots in Bhiwadi - 70421948-zero-1

When we speak of the upcoming localities of the country it is Projects in Bhiwadi that comes first in our mind. Located close to the border of Haryana and Rajasthan Bhiwadi is a serene town that offers the perfect blend of the serenity of countryside. Smart Infratech Pvt. Ltd. one of the emerging builders of the country offers the bestResidential Plots in Bhiwadi a buzzing city. Located in the Bhiwadi Industrial Area close to the Kajaria factory. The location is one of the premium spots of the city. In real estate everything is about the location and Florida City just proves the same. Available at a price Rs. 6 lakh and onwards Bhiwadi Plots of varying ranges are offered. The sizes of the plots offered include 100 150 200 and 300 square yards. Florida City is among those few Residential Projects of the area that offers you the ultimate luxury to live amidst the lap of nature with the convenience of being surrounded by all necessary amenities that makes our life better. So how about a morning where you could see the blissful greens from the balcony your window rather than the ever traffic chaos. Isn t this what you are looking for in your dream home The project offers AN integrated club fitted with all trendy facilities.



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