Free Range Chickens

Several breeds of live roosters for sale. They are about 1 yr. old. These birds were free range on our farm yard until the snow covered the ground. They have been in a chicken house during the winter with alfalfa and non-GMO chicken feed to eat. Ask about butchering options. We re located in the SW corner of MN (about 2 hrs. from Sioux Falls). Make this a family mini-vacation and come to the farm If you d rather not drive the distance we could arrange a meeting point half way (like Worthington) if 10 or more chickens and or Muscovy ducks are ordered at one time. Please call Gladys at 507-427-2631 or email her at GreatSnack(at)FrontierNet.Net to ask any questions. Contact her at least 24 hrs. in advance of your arrival to set up an appointment.



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