Hiring HVAC Service Technician

Job DescriptionMaintain install and repair air conditioning ventilation and heating systems. Sell maintenance contracts to current customers to ensure products last longer. Perform preventative maintenance to increase the longevity of any HVAC system. Discuss various options with clients when it comes to heating and cooling systems and help them determine which option is best for their situation. Troubleshoot issues with a current system as they are noticed. Conduct performance tests with specialized tools and adjust system settings to keep temperature comfortable in the home or office. Travel to different homes and businesses throughout the day and determine problems in order to repair or replace the system before the customer is inconvenienced. Categorize and organize inventory to limit unnecessary losses to the company. Move to and from each job quickly to maximize your time during the day and ensure that as many customers as possible are helped. Job Skills & QualificationsRequired Certification or associate s degree from an HVAC program at a technical school Current valid NC driver s license Minimum of two years experience preferred Stop by our office at 3163 Camden Road and apply in person.



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