2012 Ram 1500

VEHICLE LOCATED AT MAZDA 1630 N SHADELAND AVE NEXT TO WENDYS (317) 300-2003 1-owner four doors and four wheel drive to keep you and yours out of the hands of danger This 2012 RAM 1500 contains everything you ll need and more with a powerful V8 HEMI engine auxiliary audio input satellite radio cruise control power locks mirrors windows single disc cd player and LOW MILES Looks Fantastic OIL CHANGED MULTI-POINT INSPECTED AND VEHICLE DETAILED 8 Cylinder Engine and 4-Wheel Drive. Low miles with only 13 350 miles This near new Ram 1500 ST has a great looking White exterior Our pricing is very competitive and our vehicles sell quickly. Please call us to confirm availability and to setup a time to drive this 1500 We are located at 1630 North Shadeland Ave Indianapolis IN 46219.



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