36 Years Exp in Graphic Design - Logos Forms T-shirts Posters Ad

I provide full graphic design services for your business team group non-profit start-up club etc. with over 36 Years experience creating art professionally since 1978. Member of the Freelancer s Union. My creativity and experience covers all areas of art including professional logos and branding business forms posters & fliers print ads t-shirts and sportswear QR codes brochures banners catalogs product packaging memes video web graphics photo alteration and restoration and design for nearly any product imaginable. I also occasionally paint murals. I ve literally done well over 100 000 designs over the years and anticipate what s relevant to your particular needs present and future. Most artists will give you strictly what you ask for which usually can t be used for other purposes and then they charge you over and over for every little change adaption etc... but I provide finished art in several sizes several file types in color as well as B& W etc. so you ll be covered no matter what your uses are. So you ll not only get your project done correctly you ll save a lot of money in the future. My previous design clients have included universities governments organizations agencies recording artists etc. a few being Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (as seen on TV s Whale Wars) NASA PowerBar UC Berkeley UC Santa Barbara Law Enforcement from local tactical teams to the FBI Creating Our Future Rainforest Crunch Cereal ActUp Earth First Red Cross Lawrence Livermore Lab Museums Grateful Dead Metallica MTV even whole cities needs etc. etc. My art has been used bought and or worn around the world by some well known people including Jerry Garcia Martin Scorsese Paul Watson Ken Kesey Bob Weir Ram Daas Stevie Nicks Sherman Hemsley Zen Tricksters Wavy Gravy Digital Underground Barbi Twins to name a few. You can see a few examples of my recent work at www.EmeraldValleyArts.com. Gift certificates available.



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