Licedoctors In Home Head Lice Treatment and Nit removal- Same Da

LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment and Nit Removal Service comes to your home in the Providence area including Barrington Bristol Burrillville Central Falls Charlestown Chepachet Coventry Cranston Cumberland East Greenwich East Greenwich East Providence Exeter Foster Glocester Greenville Hopkinton Jamestown Jamestown Johnston Lincoln Little Compton Middletown Narragansett Newport North Kingstown North Providence North Smithfield Pawtucket Portsmouth Richmond Scituate Smithfield South Kingstown Tiverton Valley Falls Warren Warwick Westerly West Greenwich West Warwick Woonsocket and more. In Massachusetts service is available in Attleborough Dartmouth Dighton Easton Fairhaven Foxboro Freetown Mansfield New Bedford North Attleboro Norton Plainville Raynham Rehoboth Seekonk Somerset Swansea Taunten Westport Wrentham and more. We eliminate lice and nits from the hair. We have treated 30 000 families with our all-natural lice treatment plan that was developed by our board certified medical director 18 years ago. We guarantee our work and we have a 99.9% success rate. We also give you tips on lice prevention and educate you on signs of lice how lice are transmitted the life cycle of lice and what you need to do and not do to treat lice in the home. Our caring technicians are rigorously trained and understand how stressful a case of lice can be in a family. Call LiceDoctors at 401-433-9806 for same day confidential service or find us at



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