car needed for DV client

Hello. My name is TA and I am a survivor of a domestic violence relationship and I got up the courage and strentgh to leave my abuser. It has been five months strong and I m feeling pretty good about myself. I was wondering if anybody would be willing to maybe donate a car so I can take my kids back and forth to appointments and further my education as well as holding down a job at Walmart. I m not asking for an inch or even a mile. Just a foot to keep me on the right path and in a safe envoirnment that continues to be healthy for me and my children. For exchange I can do light housekeeping or odd jobs like running errands to maybe pay off for the car and keep in touch to let you know I got my degree. I am very serious about this. I have proof to back up my story. I will not waste anybodys time as well as my own. I have alot of respect and I am very curtious. Thank you Sincerely TA



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