Carpenter Apprentice

Tradesmen International America s elite skilled labor force is seeking highly motivated Carpenter Apprentices to join our team. We are recognized internationally as a leading source for reliable skilled craftsmen with thousands of employees across North America. With more than 5 000 active clients we have a plenty of great entry level opportunities for carpenter apprentices that want to be the best in their field. We offer consistent work top pay benefits and employment opportunities in most major markets throughout North America. If you are a Carpenter Apprentice eager to become a skilled Carpenter by improving your skills and learning new ones this is your chance to launch your career Job Requirements In this entry level construction role you will work directly under the supervision of a qualified Journeyman Carpenter and construct erect install and repair structures and fixtures of wood plywood metal studs and drywall using carpenter s hand tools and power tools while conforming to local building codes. Specific responsibilities Helping install foundations walls floors ceilings and roofs using materials such as wood steel metal concrete plastics and composites of multiple materials Assisting with fitting and installing window frames doors door frames door hardware interior and exterior trim using a carpenters level plumb bob and laser levels Erecting scaffolding ladders for assembling structures above ground levels. Positioning and holding timbers lumber or paneling in place for fastening or cutting Selecting tools equipment and or materials from storage and transport items to work site Cleaning work areas machines or equipment to maintain a clean and safe job site Holding plumb bobs sighting rods or other equipment to aid in establishing reference points and lines Cutting timbers lumber and or paneling to specified dimensions and drilling holes in timbers or lumber Smoothing or sanding surfaces to remove ridges tool marks glue or caulking Simply put we re not a temp agency and don t just hire anyone. In fact we re highly selective committed to hiring only those carpenter apprentices that have exceptional abilities at their skill level with unwavering reliability strong work ethic and a desire to be the best. Specific requirements Eagerness and willingness to learn and receive instruction direction from qualified Journeyman Carpenter Strong working knowledge of job site safety as well as ability to complete a company specific safety orientation High standard of integrity and professionalism Drug free at all times Benefits In addition to consistent work top pay and employment opportunities we provide a benefits package that is among the best in the industry. Our comprehensive benefits encourage our employees and their families to build a lifelong relationship with us. Vacation Pay Health insurance Dental and vision plan Prescription drug plan Life insurance Short-term disability 401(k) profit-sharing savings plan Incentive programs Tool purchase programs Key Words Carpenter Carpenter Apprentice Carpenter Helper Carpenter Journeymen Tradesmen International is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). Apply Here



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