2004 Mercedes CL600

Experience German Power and Luxury. This 2004 Mercedes-Benz CL600 V12 has everything 5.5 liter twin-turbo V-12 493 HP 18 alloy wheels 10-speaker Bose w multi-CD Satellite radio Integrated radar detector (did I mention 0-60mph in less than 6 seconds ) Factory Navigation system Fully loaded 100k Texas miles in excellent condition Always garaged Very clean interior Well maintained Looks & drives great ZERO accidents One owner Non-smoker Executive vehicle This is an amazing car. If you have any questions please send me a message. It s located in the Texas Hill Country. You will need to arrange for delivery or pick-up in person. - See more at www.cacars.com Car Mercedes CL600 2004_Mercedes_CL600_for_sale_1007675.html sthash.x3kPsfiL.dpuf



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