Walk With Faith Family Childcare

It is my mission to provide a quality Christ centered Childcare to children of working parents and guardians. I want your child to have a sense of belonging while under my care. My goals are to meet the needs of the infant toddler and preschool children in a safe nurturing environment. To provide a loving supportive safe and educational environment that meets the intellectual moral social emotional and physical needs of each child. My goal is to strengthen the bridge between your work and family life by creating a special place that supports them both. Location My home is located on a cul - de- sac street. There is not alot of traffic here. Activities We are a Christ centered Education focused home. Our days are spent doing some sort of education based activity. Even when playing Children are learning. Helpers We homeschool. My helpers will be my 4 6 and 16 year old daughters. We are safely at home learning and playing and can t wait to have you little one spend some time with us.



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