1998 Mustang convertible 3200

6 cylinder. Runs great. Body is in solid condition. No dents or dings. 155 000 miles. Roll bar for safety. New pads all around. New struts on front end. New ball joint on front right. Gets about 20 miles to gallon on average. Tires are a little bald will need replaced soon. White seats have rips in them I have the black seat covers that hide that. Other than that there are no known issues. Sharp ride. Have a baby on the way and have had my fun with it. Old lady says sell it . Paid 3 500 for it in May of 2014 and can provide receipt for that. Drove it to Florida in June and had zero issues. Located on west side of Indy. Call or text for more pix or to see in person. Price is probably firm no trades please. Johnathan 317-605-4157



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