Day Cab Clearance Sale going on now

Schneider currently has a nationwide Clearance Sale on over 100 Day Cab trucks Now is your chance to save 3 000 to 6 750 on select Freightliner C120 Day Cabs. All trucks have excellent maintenance histories and are priced to sell. View all of our inventory at Be sure to choose a location that is close to you under the Locations tab Specifications 2003 2010 Freightliner C120 Day Cabs Detroit Series 60s 10 Speed Prices Reduced 15% - 20% Schneider Fleet Maintained Since New Miles 200 000 750 000 Prices 17 000 - 38 000Schneider Fleet Sales Call 1-800-635-9801 Visit www.schneidertrucks.comLocations Atlanta GA Charlotte NC Columbus OH Dallas TX Fontana CA Gary IN Harrisburg PA Houston TX Indianapolis IN Phoenix AZ Portland OR Salt Lake City UT St. Louis MO West Memphis AR Toronto ON



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