Field Staff for Marketing Research Firm

OpinionWorks is a growing Annapolis-based market research firm seeking field workers for a short-term project beginning 10 6 to 10 31 (6 shifts in total) with the possibility of future work. Our field team will be assisting us in distributing flyers at Germantown MARC station North Linthicum light rail system The park and ride facility in Mattawoman Bean Town RD. As the locations are so dispersed we do ask that applicants have a vehicle or a reliable way to travel as the shifts run from 6am-10am.Required skills Strong interpersonal and communication skillsConfident and can-do attitudeReliable and dependablePay 12 p hr for working (each shift is 4 hours long and you can sign up for as many shifts as possible) travel expensesCall Thuli ( 2li ) if you are interested on410-280-2000



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