Now Leasing Two Bed Two Bath Apartments

This is our two bedroom two bathroom floorplan with 978 square feet of living space. This floorplan features an open layout spacious living area fully-equipped kitchen washer dryer connections and large windows that bring in plenty of natural light. Second floor apartments offer vaulted in ceilings in the master bedroom and living room Please call a member of our friendly leasing staff for more information Welcome home to Fieldstone Apartments located in Olathe Kansas Fieldstone Apartments is a proud member of the Yarco family of apartment communities. Yarco takes pride in offering the highest quality of service to our customers. Fieldstone Apartments offers relaxing and comfortable two and three bedroom apartments along with many great amenities including a refreshing pool children s playground basketball court fitness center business center off-street parking and so much more Take advantage of our complimentary resident move-in concierge service using the Updater moving app Updater s moving app is the smartest and safest way to reserve a moving company connect TV and internet update accounts forward mail transfer utilities and more when you move into our community. If you want to get out and about you ll find great dining shopping and entertainment options very close by such as Applebee s Grill and Bar Starbucks and Oak Park Mall. Fieldstone Apartments is also located near several of the area s top schools and employers including Briarwood Elementary Olathe East High School Walmart and United States Postal Service. With excellent access to major roads such as I-35 you can be anywhere in the area in just minutes. Apartment living has never been so convenient At Fieldstone Apartments cats and dogs are not only welcome they are considered family. Call or visit us today



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